Energy Healings
Find out more about the energy healings I offer below.
My energy healings do not replace medical advice or treatment.
Energy Healing "l'éclaireur"
The energy healing, "l'éclaireur", is an energy healing I have created just for you.
You feel lost, you can't see the end of the road.
You want to change your life, and you don't know what to do.
You think you don't deserve to succeed and do what you love.
You say yes to everything in order to be loved and accepted.
You think you can't be loved and accepted for who you are.
You don't love yourself.
The energy healing "l'éclaireur" will help you find the light within you which will help you find the right path for you, and attract the right people for you.
It is a 2h10 energy healing that you can receive in conscience, or at night if you are too busy during the day.
Energy healing for Twin Flames
I have created that energy healing, just for you who are on a Twin Flame journey.
That energy healing for Twin Flame will help with the following:
Communication with your Twin Flame
Clearing the karmic knots
Clearing the blockages
Balancing your feminine & masculine energy
Attracting the reunion with your Twin Flame in 3D
And will clear your energy, balance your chakras, clear your aura and increase your energy.
It is a 1h10 energy healing that you can receive in conscience, or at night if you are too busy during the day.
Full Energy Cleansing

This complete energy cleanse is an energy healing I've created just for you. What it will do :
Cleanse negative energies.
Repair energy leaks.
Cleanse and rebalance all your chakras.
Cleanse and rebalance your meridians.
Cleanse your aura.
Rebalance your Ying and yang energies.
Cleanse energies linked to your past.
Allow emotional releases.
Heal your inner child.
Untie karmic energy knots.
This is a 1 hour 45 minute energy healing that you can receive consciously, or in the evening if you're too busy during the day.
An energy healing does not replace medical advice or treatment.
Energy Healings to download
I have made available on my website, Energy Healings, which you can purchase and download. You can listen to them as many times as you want.
Please do not share the MP3 with anyone. It is under copyrights. Respect my work and share the link to my website if you know someone who would be interested in using the energy healings.
Energy Transfer reset

Among the energy healings I offer, there is the Energy Transfer Reset (ETR). I offer that healing for free, and I do a group healing once a month on my Facebook page.
What is an ETR?
The ETR removes detrimental frequencies that no longer serve you. In other words, frequencies created by pride, anger, greed, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, shame, helplessness, hopelessness, worry, anxiety, regret, and depression.
Removes blockages, tags, implants, cords, and dark entity attachments.
Restores the soul to a pure state, which allows you to manifest the future you desire. This is the RESET.
Allows for quantum healing – the body and energy field begin healing on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All types of physical healing can occur. The ETR cannot remove metal placed in the body through surgery. (joint replacement or rod in the spine) The ETR will also not grow new limbs or missing body parts. It can restore sight and hearing.
By removing low frequencies, your current frequency skyrockets. It is like removing cement blocks from around your ankles.
You may experience a stronger connection to your spirit guides and other beings in different dimensions. Some clients have begun speaking light language.
Begins a process of reverse ageing. Through intention, we can ask the spirit beings to manipulate your DNA to reverse age. This is optional. We have power over our DNA and only age because we believe we must age. As with the immortal jellyfish, ageing cells will convert to stem cells in your body.
Who Created the ETR?
It was designed by the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians specifically to help with the ascension process. The galactic beings who created the Energy Transfer Reset have told us the ETR is one of the most powerful human healing forms available to humankind.
It was channelled to Beverly Nation in February 2018 by a 9th-dimensional Arcturian named Wyndsor Mohican.
Who Helps in ETR Sessions?
Over 250 beings help each person during the ETR. These are spirit guides, angels, and galactic beings from different advanced races.
Why Do We Need the Energy Transfer Reset?
Each time we make a decision, we shift into a new timeline of probabilities. In each incarnation, we create quadrillions of timelines. Each timeline holds frequencies generated by our emotions.
If we were sad, angry, apathetic, proud, greedy, worried, anxious, or felt like a victim, we generated low vibrational frequencies. These low frequencies can hold us back from experiencing optimal health and wellness. They also impede our ascension progress.
This build-up of low frequencies must be removed to live healthy, peaceful, and abundant lives as we move into the 5th dimension. The ETR resets us back to the pure state we enjoyed before beginning the incarnation process. Eckhart Tolle calls this the “pain body.” It is a dense block of low vibrational energy we must release.
We can have blockages, attachments, tags, cords, and implants that hinder our ability to heal and progress in our lives. We will discuss these shortly.
How are the Low Frequencies Removed?
During the ETR, you will have a team of over 250 light beings working to clear your timelines. They move the low frequencies from your timelines over to the energy field of a star seed through intention. This is the energy transfer.
Once those low frequencies touch a star seed's energy field, they are immediately transmuted into frequencies that benefit all beings. They are redistributed as love and light energy to all in our Universe.
This transfer process does not hurt the star seed in any way. Star seeds came to Earth to do this work and are specially programmed to be healers and transmuters of energy. Star seeds are people who currently have another fractal or division of themselves living in a higher dimension on another plane or planet. They are the only ones who can facilitate an ETR.
The ETR works on animals too.