Tonight I suddenly felt the need to make new orgonites and as I usually follow my intuition, I started making new ones. It is going to take a few days as they are made in several steps. It's not as if I had not anything else to do, like I'm knitting a poncho for myself and a baby hat for a colleague who just had a baby,or like I have to take photos of all my products and then put them on my website (multitasks!)! But intuition has to be followed. ;)
So today I started by preparing the clear quartz with the copper and put the first layer of epoxy resin. For the pendants, I put the first layer of resin too.
After leaving the resin to dry for 48h, the next step will be to add some crystals and maybe mix the resin with some ink. Then the following step will be to mix the resin with the metal shavings.
Obviously, as the orgonites work on the energy and I am an energy healer, I use healing energy while making the orgonites.